Unprocessed Still: Taso Papadakis

Unprocessed Still: Taso Papadakis


with the image magician Taso Papadakis

in 19 hours we drove to Wonder Valley, witnessed a fat gold half moon hallucination rising from the horizon at 1am, awoke at dawn to shoot sunrises sunbursts holy mountain sun stars the desert valley getting bathed, shot afternoon sun bakes, walked away and toward and across, pivot pointed amidst the landscape, stared up into the distant mountain from the raked, rocky ground near, into the salt flats quick and quiet and never sure if we will make it, climbed salt rock up and down and back to the Rusty Arrow Ranch to prepare for sunset; sunset time lapse, dusky record player and a quick photo shoot of Julio Montero/Cuñao in a bomb of blue smoke, my silhouette walking across the melting dusk then over to the magic tree in the dark, lights casting themselves across the lens hiding and revealing a ghostly tree smoke travels across and masks and dances; we strike yards of cable, lights, we wrap and ride back to Los Angeles. now the work begins.