Photo Credit: Taso Papadakis

Photo Credit: Taso Papadakis

ONE MORE DAY TO DONATE and fund this once in a lifetime research trip to Yiddishland.

Preparations are underway for travel to Belarus and Poland with an extraordinary cohort of fellow artists, students and scholars, each with their own area of research interest and the potential for collaboration. I’ve begun Yiddish lessons (again), and while currently in New York, I will visit YIVO, and take a field trip with Em Hirsch to the Amalgamated Housing Project, a space with a Yiddish history that we both have in common. With Yiddishkayt’s well researched help, I planned a few extra days in Poland on a more personal family research mission that includes visiting the POLIN Museum archives, Dęblin and Czestechowa.
I am dancing my heart right now in New York in anticipation of traveling open-hearted and receptive to the experiences ahead. All of your tremendous support flies with me, thank you.



Read the full newsletter here: